Sunday, February 3, 2013

Clearly Adjustable

YA few months ago, I joked about being invited to go "Running" in the mornings. I found this amusing... the 'morning' part... yes that was funny, but the idea of ME running?? That sent me into a series of memories from my childhood with visions of my mom and coaches screaming from the sidelines of the soccer field "RUN ELIZABETH! You have to RUUNNN!"
In Gym class, I was definitely NOT the girl that put her hair in a ponytail and ran my laps gracefully around the track. I looked more like a DUCK, painfully running in a 3 legged race... My running became quite the joke. One even I took part in... but the truth was it HURT ME to run!
Fast-forward (quite) a few years, and discover that I have a slight leg-length discrepancy. This is where one leg, hence the name, is slightly shorter/longer than the opposite leg. So a good friend suggested Clearly Adjustables. He said, in that "I know you won't listen to me, even though I know I'm totally right" kinda way, that he thinks a heel lift would really help. A heel lift??? No. BUT, then it was suggested again, AND yes... AGAIN... HA! So, I tried the D@MN heel lift!
Whatdoyaknow... I now "Stand Corrected" (Pun totally intended... I crack myself up!) But I mean it, I stand corrected. It's like the new and improved version of ME. And, I stand corrected as in, he was Right. :-)
Clearly Adjustables (they ARE Clear and Adjustable...)
Available in 3 sizes: Small (up to W7.5/M6) Medium (W8-10/M6.5-8.5) Large (W10.5+/M9+)
Each package contains a heel-lift that is made up of 12 layers. Each layer is 1 mm thick. This allows you to get that "custom" fit (not to mention at a GREAT price — $17.99). To get started, I asked a girlfriend to help measure my inseams. Based on the difference I was able to "guess-timate" how many layers I wanted to start with. I learned that too much OR too little can be uncomfortable. The good news is that you can play with these until they feel just right (ha... this is where the Adjustable comes in). And because our feet are all so different, some people will be more comfortable using the short layers while others will prefer the longer ones. I use 3 - 4 layers depending on the shoes I am wearing that day. They DO work with my heels, and my boots, the BEST part of this story... it FINALLY occured to me that my leg-length discrepancy could be the cause of my atrocious running style. So why not try them in my tennis shoes and see where they take me! Right??? Ohhh YEAH! And I did! THIS GIRL RUNS NOW!! Without pain! Some might even say I appear Graceful! (ok - ONE person said that...) I think I'm even going to try doing the COLOR RUN next time around! I need to work on getting out of the neighborhood without being winded first... but I'll keep you posted!
Clearly Adjustables - You are CLEARLY the PERFECT fit for me!